ENS Domain Name Hype

| Exo Ventures Consultancy |
3 min readMay 4, 2022
Title Image: 3- & 4- Digit ENS Domain Names

The Ethereum Name Services(ENS) domains are the most widely used and integrated domain names at the moment, ENS is a domain name provider for the Ethereum blockchain. These domain names typically end in .eth (dot eth).

What can you do with your ENS domain name? You own the username and can link your wallet addresses to this name. So, instead of sending tokens or NFTs to your public wallet address, others can simply send them to your ENS name. You’ll also be able to create a web3-based website with your ENS+IPFS.

This obviously makes it easier for people to send tokens, lowering the risks that someone might accidentally copy the wallet address incorrectly or miss a letter in the address. These domain names are easy to read, write and search. For example if you wanted to pay Exo Ventures for a consultancy session, you can easily send the payment to exoventures.eth instead of having to find and copy-paste our wallet address.

Showing the ease of sending tokens or NFTs to an ENS domain name

Three- and four-digit ENS domain names have been gaining quite a bit of popularity during the past week. The ENS collection on Opensea soared by 4280% in the past 7 days.

Top NFTs — ENS 4280% increase in the past 7 days

Many crypto- and NFT-enthusiasts use ENS names as their twitter usernames, including many celebrities. Those who have minted and registered ENS names numbered 0–9999 even have an exclusive group with a twitter profile and their own discord channel, called the 10K Club.

@FiveDigitClub on twitter highlighting the hype around 3- to 5- digit ENS names

It’s worth noting that Vitalik himself tweeted about the 3- and 4-digit ENS names two years ago.

Vitalik Buterin mentioning 3- and 4-digit ENS names in 2020

Will this hype for 3- to 5- digit ENS names continue throughout all ENS names?
Is this truly the way that individuals and brand are going to be identified in web3?

Whether this truly is an integral part of the web3-future that we’re all building towards, is still up for debate. But ENS domain names definitely already add ease-of-use and user-friendliness to the process of sending and receiving tokens and NFTs. We’re excited to see how this space continues to develop and how many more use-cases and hype these names can gain.

website: https://exo.ventures
telegram: https://t.me/ExoVenturesOfficial
twitter: https://twitter.com/Exo_Ventures

Donations: exoventures.eth



| Exo Ventures Consultancy |

Exo Ventures Consultancy is empowering people with knowledge on blockchain & cryptcurrencies, and blockchain startups with advisory & consulting services.